Animal Party Extravaganza by Team Outkasts
‘Animal Party Extravaganza’ (‘APE’ for short) takes place in a wonderful world of fun-loving animal pals, who all compete against one another to see who is the best player of them all. In this game, players race to capture the flag and hold it for as long as possible, fending off anyone else that dares try to take it. This time around the participants are a dog, a cat, a bunny, and a turtle, all of which have their own strengths and weaknesses that they bring to the table. Tied together with a few holiday-themed arenas and some exciting items to up the ante, players are bound to have an exciting time on their trek through this fantastical animal pals world. This is an extravagant animal party that everyone is invited to.
Team Outkasts
Adam Kahil
Game Designer and Audio Designer
Kennedy Adams
Eric Aivaliotis
Game Designer and Artist
Roderick Montague
Hao Tian Guan
Xavier Law
Game Designer and Project Manager