Bionic Aftermath by Amnesia Interactive
Bionic Aftermath is a gruelling, beat em up adventure game set in dystopian city with three distinct zones. The downtown area, the industrial area and the beatdown residential area. A 2D side scrolling action game with an emphasis on skilled timing, combat and exploration, Bionic Aftermath has you fighting wave after wave of robots created by the evil corporation C&B with the goal of stopping the leader of Cybernetic and Ballistics, the Mind. The Mind is a mysterious figure, no one has seen the Mind, some speculate it's the CEO of C&B others think it's a state of the art A.I. turning against its masters but no one who knows the truth has lived to tell about it.... Bionic Aftermath has you play as Lieutenant Jaeger who fights to reach and defeat the Mind and stop his sinister plan of turning the human race into mindless robots so that he alone may rule the world.
World of vicious enemy robots and buildings the dwarf the characters
Traditional 2D hand drawn animation
Challenging but fair combat and platforming
A world of robots and cybernetically enhanced organisms to explore and conquer.
Anthony Karas
Programmer and Artist
Dante Arruda
Kai Joseph
Ryan Fieldhouse
Nicholas Xynos
Game Designer